Undergrad Research Experience
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Spring 2021
- Eamen Ho: BIOL48002
- Afsana Rahman: BIOL48002
- Roman Shimonov: BIOL48002
- Zaheen Hossain: BIOL48002
- Ariel Cebelinski: BIOL48002
- Jean Ady: BIOL48001 & BIOl48002
- Mohamed Elgallad Volunteer
- Anh Pham: Volunteer
- Jannatul Ashpia: Volunteer
Reading List
- Design of broadly active anti-microbial vaccines:
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) CC17 Evolution: Almeida et al (2017)
- CoV mutation analysis: Alouane et al (2020)
- HIV compartmentalized eolution: Evering et al (2014)
Project 1. Covid mutation analysis
# Shared Afsana
# Parsing NCBI SAR-CoV-2 genome and get gene length
#Parse through Covid Mutation File to obtain genes and their gene length. Columns: gene/matpeptide name, gene length, starting coordinate, ending coordinate
from Bio import SeqIO
import sys
inputFile=sys.argv[1] #multiple files can work with code
genome_record = SeqIO.read(inputFile, "genbank") #read file for analysis
seenProduct={} #create dictionary
for feature in genome_record.features:
if feature.type == "gene": #specifically look for gene feature, then loop through it to find location and name of each gene.remember that "gene" is a type and its name is a qualifier.
name= feature.qualifiers["gene"]
loc = feature.location
length=loc.end - loc.start + 1
loc_start= str(loc.start) #starting coordinate of gene
loc_end=str(loc.end) #ending coordinate
print(name[0] + '\t' + str(length) + '\t' + loc_start + '\t'+ loc_end)
if feature.type == "mat_peptide": # specifically looking for matpetide to obtain genes of proteins. set loop to find location and name of each gene. remember that "gene" is a type and its name is a qualifier.
name= feature.qualifiers["product"]
if name[0] in seenProduct:
continue #skips first duplicate of gene.
loc = feature.location
#length=(loc.end - loc.start + 1)
length = len(loc)
loc_start= str(loc.start)
print(name[0] + "\t" + str(length) + '\t' + loc_start + '\t'+ loc_end)
# Shared by Afsana
grep synonymous cov-snps.tsv | cut -f3 | sort | uniq -c
grep synonymous cov-snps.tsv | cut -f3 | sort | uniq -c > count_synoymous_covid
grep missense cov-snps.tsv | cut -f3 | sort | uniq -c > count_missense_covid
paste count_missense_covid count_synoymous_covid
paste count_missense_covid count_synoymous_covid | tr -s ' '
paste -d ' ' count_missense_covid count_synoymous_covid | tr -s ' '
paste -d ' ' count_missense_covid count_synoymous_covid | tr -s ' ' | sed ' '
paste -d ' ' count_missense_ccovid count_synoymous_covid | tr -s ' ' | sed "s/ //"
paste -d ' ' count_missense_covid count_synoymous_covid | tr -s ' ' | sed "s/ //" | cut -f 1-3 -d ' '
paste -d ' ' count_missense_covid count_synoymous_covid | tr -s ' ' | sed "s/ //" | cut -f 1-3 -d ' ' > count_mutations_covid.tsv
paste -d ' ' count_missense_covid count_synoymous_covid | tr -s ' ' | sed "s/ //" | cut -f 1-3 -d ' '
# Shared by Roman
# compare syn vs nonsyn
ggplot(data=covid, aes(x=Missense,y=Synonymous, label=Gene)) + geom_point() + geom_text_repel() + geom_smooth(method="lm")
import re
import sys
gene_name = {}
with open(sys.argv[1]) as file:
for line in file:
lines = line.split()
if re.match("noncoding", lines[7]):
if lines[2] in gene_name:
mutation = lines[7].split(',')
for item in mutation:
if item == 'missense':
gene_name[lines[2]]['total'] += 1
gene_name[lines[2]]['missense'] += 1
elif item == 'synonymous':
gene_name[lines[2]]['total'] += 1
gene_name[lines[2]]['synonymous'] += 1
gene_name[lines[2]] = {}
gene_name[lines[2]]['total'] = 0
gene_name[lines[2]]['missense'] = 0
gene_name[lines[2]]['synonymous'] = 0
mutation = lines[7].split(',')
for item in mutation:
if item == 'missense':
gene_name[lines[2]]['total'] += 1
gene_name[lines[2]]['missense'] += 1
elif item == 'synonymous':
gene_name[lines[2]]['total'] += 1
gene_name[lines[2]]['synonymous'] += 1
for gene in gene_name:
print(gene +"\t"+ str(gene_name[gene]['missense']) +"\t"+ str(gene_name[gene]['synonymous'])
+"\t"+ str(gene_name[gene]['total']))
Project 2. Group B STreptoccocus genomics
- GenBank submission of assemblies
Project 3. HIV compartmentalized evolution
Project 4. DNABERT classification
Fall 2020
- Eamen Ho: Volunteer research assistant
- Ramandeep Singh: BIOL 48002
- Desiree Pante: BIOL 48001
- Afsana Rahman: Volunteer research assistant
- Roman Shimonov: BIOL 48002
- Justin Hiraldo: BIOL 48002
- Zaheen Hossain: Volunteer research assistant
- Jerry Sebastian: Volunteer research assistant
- Ariel Cebelinski: Volunteer research assistant
- Tuesdays at 12 noon - 2pm by Zoom
- Sept 1, 2020. Week 1. Meet & Greet; Intro to projects
- Sept 8, 2020. Week 2. Presentations (background, data, and methods), based on assigned readings
Project 1. Structure & evolution of multipartite genome of Lyme disease bacteria
- Participants: Desiree & Ramon (Summer 2020), Jerry
- Readings
- Review: deCenzo & Finan (2017).
- Data set: lp54 & cp26 plasmids
- TO DO:
- Week 1. 9/8/2020, 12 noon: 5-slides presentation on multipartite bacterial genome evolution (based on the paper above)
- Week 2. 9/15, 12 noon: Use prorgram codonO to calculate codon bias (SCUO) for replicons (n=23) on Borrelia burgdorferi B31 genome
- Week 3. 9/22, 12 noon: codonO paper presentation (Jerry)
Project 2. OspC Cross-reactivity analysis
- Participants: Justin, Roman
- Readings: Ivanova et al (2009)
- Tool: ImageJ
- Data set (to be sent)
- To Do
- Week 1. 9/8/2020 12 noon: 5-slide presentation on background, material & methods, and data capture using ImageJ
- Week 2. 9/15: Create Excel sheet to capture immunoblot intensities on C3H mice & P.lucus. Capture background for each serum. Getting ready to makes plots in R/Rstudio
Project 3. Clostridium transcriptome analysis
- Participants: Eaman, Zaheen
- Readings
- Data set: posted on "genometracker.org"
- Wild type transcriptome at 12 hour, paired-end read files:
- /home/azureuser/18134XR-29-01_S0_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
- /home/azureuser/18134XR-29-01_S0_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
- To Do
- Week 1. 9/8/2020 12 noon:
- A short presentation on C. diff transcriptome (one of the 2 papers above)
- Demo on read quality using FastQC and mapping reads to reference genomes with bowtie
- Week 2. Use HT-Seq to quantify RNA abundance for C. diff genes.
- HTSeq installed
- Try this protocol first
- Commands
- Week 1. 9/8/2020 12 noon:
According to: reference; Bowtie website
bioseq -i'genbank' R20291.gb > ref.fa # make FASTA file
bowtie2-build ref.fa index # build index
# -S: sam output (otherwise bam)
bowtie2 -x index -S 18134XR.sam -1 ../18134XR-29-01_S0_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz -2 ../18134XR-29-01_S0_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
# ref.gff3: need to run sed "s/Chromosome/FN545816/"
# need to use "-i"; default is "gene_id"
conda activate qiulab # change environment to access htseq
htseq-count -m union --stranded=yes 18134XR-29-01.sam ~/xingmin-cdiff/ref.gff3 -i=Parent > 18134XR-29-01.counts
samtools view -b 18134XR-29-01.sam -o 18134XR-29-01.bam # compress sam file into bam file
Project 4. Protein classification using natural language processing
- Participants: Afsana & Ariel
- Goal: Classify protein sequences
- Week 1. 9/8/2020 Readings:
- Week 2. Find/Explore ALBERT resources & Tutorials
- Code from Hansaim Lim
- Transformer: Pretrained models in natural language processing
- DNAbert paper
Sample BioPython script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import json
from Bio import SeqIO
alnFile = sys.argv[1] # read file as the first argument
seqList = [] # initialize a list
for record in SeqIO.parse(alnFile, "fasta"):
seqList.append({"id": record.id,
"seq": str(record[0:3].seq) # use the str() function to convert object to string
}) # get residue2 1-3
print(json.dumps(seqList)) # print to JSON format